How Do You Become a Good Speaker: Cultivating Presence and Clarity

how do you become a good speaker

How do you become a good speaker? It’s a question asked by many—whether they’re stepping into the world of motivational speaking, preparing for a crucial business presentation, or simply wanting to improve their daily communication skills. The path to becoming an effective speaker is paved with diligence, practice, and a deep understanding of both one’s material and audience.

1. Understanding the Foundations of Effective Speaking

The journey to becoming a compelling speaker begins with a solid grasp of the essentials. Clarity and presence, the two pillars of effective speaking, are not inherited traits but skills that can be honed. Clarity involves articulating your thoughts in a straightforward and understandable manner. Presence, on the other hand, involves connecting with your audience on an emotional level, making your speech not just heard but felt.

2. Cultivating Clarity through Preparation

Clarity cannot be overstated in its importance. To achieve clarity, preparation is key. This involves not only understanding your topic inside and out but also anticipating potential questions and reactions from your audience. Organise your material in a logical flow and practise your delivery to ensure your message is conveyed effectively. Remember, a clear speaker is one who simplifies complex ideas, not complicates simple ones.

3. Enhancing Presence: Connecting with Your Audience

Charisma is often seen as a mysterious quality that some people just possess. However, charisma can be developed by focusing on your audience’s needs and showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for your subject. Use stories, anecdotes, and relevant examples to make your speech more relatable and engaging. Additionally, being mindful of your body language and vocal tone can significantly enhance your presence.

4. Continuous Learning and Feedback

Becoming a good speaker is an ongoing process. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or through professional coaching. Watch recordings of your speeches to self-evaluate and identify areas for improvement. Each presentation is an opportunity to refine your skills and grow.

The key to learning is feedback. It is nearly impossible to learn anything without it.” – Steven Levitt, an American Economist and Co-Author of Freakonomics

5. The Role of Personal Development

Personal development plays a crucial role in your growth as a speaker. According to a blog by Better Up, personal development comes to life in what we call an Inner Work practice. Inner Work is deep work, a practice that isn’t always visible to the outside eye. But with the right personal development toolkit, you can build a lifelong practice of Inner Work. This includes expanding your knowledge base, improving your vocabulary, and refining your rhetorical skills. Engaging in activities that boost your confidence, such as public speaking clubs or improv classes, can also be incredibly beneficial.

6. Leveraging Technology and Resources

In today’s digital age, numerous resources can help you improve your speaking skills. Online platforms offer a plethora of courses that cover various aspects of speaking, from voice modulation and speech writing to audience engagement and digital presentation skills. Utilising these resources can provide you with the flexibility to learn and practise at your own pace.

7. Practise, Practise, Practise

There is no substitute for practice when it comes to speaking. Moreover, according to a blog by School of Connection, just like any other skill, speaking in front of an audience requires honing and refinement. By devoting time to practise, you will not only enhance your delivery but also gain a deeper understanding of your content. Practising allows you to experiment with different techniques, improve your voice modulation, and fine-tune your body language. Whether it’s in front of a mirror, to a camera, or with a small group, consistent practice is indispensable. It not only helps in memorising your material but also in managing stage fright and developing a natural, conversational tone.

Practise doesn’t make perfect. Practise reduces the imperfection.” – Toba Beta, Author of Master of Stupidity

The art of becoming a good speaker is multifaceted, requiring a blend of technical skills and personal charm. It demands persistence, practice, and a willingness to learn and adapt. For those who wish to delve deeper into the world of speaking, whether as aspiring motivational speakers or seasoned professionals looking to refine their craft, specialised training programs like those offered at Speaker School can provide structured and supportive environments to develop these skills. Speaker School’s diverse offerings, from one-on-one coaching to intensive workshops and retreats, cater to every level of speaker, equipping them with the tools to succeed on any stage.


By embracing these principles and continually seeking to improve, soon, you’ll elevate from merely delivering speeches to truly engaging and inspiring your audiences. Contact Speaker School to transform your speaking ability to greater heights! 


What are the key traits of a good speaker?

Good speakers are characterised by clarity, charisma, confidence, and the ability to engage and connect with their audience. They present their ideas clearly, respond to feedback, and adapt their message to the crowd.

How important is body language in public speaking?

Body language is crucial in public speaking. Effective use of gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions can enhance the speaker’s message, engage the audience, and convey confidence and sincerity.

Can anyone learn to be a good speaker, or is it a natural skill?

While some people may have a natural aptitude for public speaking, anyone can become a good speaker with practice and training. Key skills like clarity in speech and audience engagement can be developed through consistent effort.

What are the best practices for dealing with public speaking anxiety?

Best practices for managing public speaking anxiety include thorough preparation, practice, deep breathing techniques, focusing on the message rather than the fear, and gradually exposing oneself to speaking situations.

How often should I practise my speaking skills to see improvement?

Consistency is key in developing speaking skills. Practising several times a week can lead to noticeable improvements. Regular feedback and adapting to constructive criticism are also important.

What role does audience analysis play in effective speaking?

Understanding your audience is essential for effective communication. It helps tailor the message, use appropriate language, engage interest, and anticipate and answer the audience’s needs and questions.

How can technology help improve public speaking skills?

Technology offers various tools that can aid in improving public speaking skills, including video recording for self-review, presentation software for engaging visuals, and online platforms for wider practice opportunities.

What are some quick tips to captivate an audience during a speech?

To captivate an audience, start with a strong opening, use storytelling, include questions to provoke thought, vary your voice tone, and ensure your content is relevant and engaging.

Ready to take your speaking skills to the next level? Contact our expert coach at Speaker School today!

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