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Would You Like to Work 1:1 with Andrew Griffiths?

If you’re ready to work with one of Australia’s most successful and experienced speakers, you’re in the right place.

Reach your speaker goals Fast with the right coach.

Having a Speaker Coach is a really good way to speed up your development and to increase your chances of success. This is the perfect way to save time and money by avoiding the mistakes that most speakers make when they are building their speaker business and their reputations.

I’ve coached many speakers in a 1:1 relationship and the ability to provide this level of customised teaching, training and advice is very powerful. When you work with me in this capacity I don’t hold anything back – I’m completely transparent and I’ll also share resources, contacts, suppliers and even speaking  leads wherever I can.

I work with aspiring speakers in a Coaching role for either 6 or 12 months. Initially we work out what you really want to achieve with your speaking and your speaker business and then develop your customised programme. Each module is a combination of training, practical advice and exercises customised for you.

The topics you can choose from include:

Build your speaker brand.

Finding your compelling competitive advantage as a speaker.

Starting your speaker business from scratch.

Producing the right speaker collateral.

Developing a world class speaker website.

Defining your product architecture.

Developing your presentation structure.

Learning the art of energetic mapping.

Creating highly impacting slide decks.

Determining your ideal clients and how to sell to them.

Marketing yourself as a speaker.

Engaging with your clients as a speaker.

The role of speaker bureaus and the reality of speaker bureaus.

What you do off the stage is more important than what you do on the stage.

Understand the complex world of stage craft.

Selling yourself from stage in the right way.

Taking care of your health and wellbeing as a speaker.

Doing what it takes to stay relevant as a speaker.

Collaborating with other speakers.

We connect twice a month for a Coaching session where we address one of the above topics as well as work on other issues and opportunities that you might have. The cost is $2200 inc GST per month.

I can only Coach a limited number of speakers every year, so there may be a short wait before I can start working with you. The best way to move forward is to reach out to me. Let’s have a discussion about what you really want to achieve, your time frame to get started and any other relevant details.


A Few Words From our Speakers

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Would you like to be more sought after as a speaker? Would you like to become more valuable and more valued as a speaker to potential clients?

I benchmarked a multitude of speaking gurus and it became crystal clear that Andrew’s unique approach was head and shoulders above everyone else. He improved my stage craft, and helped me structure powerful presentations. I now adopt his masterful storytelling approach and  unique presentation framework that every presentation with outstanding success.

Bushy Martin


So one of my key takeaways is that being a speaker really is a business It can’t be a sometimes activity. It can’t be this thing that you add into your repertoire of things that you offer. If you wanna build a speaking business, it needs to be the speaking business that you are building.

Jenn Donovan


Hey folks. Darren Finkelstein here, Andrew Griffiths is a wonderful mentor. He has the unique ability to speak from a perspective of absolute faith in our ability as students. As a mentor he is directly focused on making me a better speaker and a better business professional.

Darren Finkestein


Hi, my name is Brett Lillie and I’m a speaker, coach and author. I got so much out of Andrew’s Speaker 2.0 retreat that I came back the following year for Speaker 3.0. One of the biggest things I’ve taken away from working with Andrew is learning how to work with frameworks and develop an idea from beginning to end.

Brett Lillie
