A comprehensive training programme designed to dramatically improve speaking skills for all attendees.


What Will You Take from This Workshop?

My “One Day Speaker Skills Intensive” is designed to give you the knowledge and the resources that you’re going to be able to take and apply to your presenting straight away. At the end of this one day workshop, you will have a long list of new skills and tools to help you on the path to becoming an exceptional speaker. Some of the key learnings will be:

Understanding the single most important outcome of any presentation

A unique 9 step presentation structure that you can use for every single presentation you do

How to create powerful openings that make the audience sit up and listen

Learn the one skill that is a complete game changer that most speakers aren’t even aware of

The simple way to reduce speaker nerves

How to adapt your presentations to suit any audience

The seven vital rules for creating world class slide decks

Learning the art of energetic mapping.

Creating highly impacting slide decks.

A self assessment tool to help you develop your stage craft

Anyone who has ever done one of my training programmes knows that I cover a lot of ground. I go deep on the topics that matter, so expect to get a great deal of new information and knowledge out of this one day intensive. The specific modules that we will be covering includes:

Getting clear on exactly why we are presenting and how this influences everything we do

Having the right structure to follow for any presentation

Giving your audience a reason to listen

The concept of energetic mapping

How and where to use stories

Creating simple slide decks that enhance your brand

Understanding stage craft with a framework to follow

And lots more ad hoc conversations about speaking

On top of all of this, we’re going to have an energetic, fun filled day. You’re going to be in a room full of people like you, committed and keen to become better as speakers. This one day intensive workshop is perfect for those who:

Have done some speaking but realise they could become much better with some training

Want to develop and grow their speaking skills – in every way, from structure to stagecraft

Want to learn to better communicate their message with their targeted audience

Want to build their business by doing more speaking

Currently speak as part of their work or business but they’d like to become better at it

Struggle with things like nerves (rest assured we all do)

Are looking for a group of peers on the same journey of speaker development

When and Where are the Next ‘one Day Speaker Skills Intensive” Workshops Happening?


This Workshop Can Be Run for Your Organisation

This workshop can be customised and run internally for your organisation. This option is perfect to enable advice tailored for your specific needs. If you’d like to discuss the prospect of running this workshop internally for your organisation please contact us directly.


A Few Words From our Speakers

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Would you like to be more sought after as a speaker? Would you like to become more valuable and more valued as a speaker to potential clients?

Hi I’m Steph Thompson. I have worked with Andrew Griffiths, both in the retreat setting and one-on-one. I have learnt there’s a methodical structure which takes you from being a good public speaker to being a world class speaker, which is exactly what happened for me.

Stephanie Thompson


Hey folks. Darren Finkelstein here, Andrew Griffiths is a wonderful mentor. He has the unique ability to speak from a perspective of absolute faith in our ability as students. As a mentor he is directly focused on making me a better speaker and a better business professional.

Darren Finkestein
