How does the Speaker inc programme Work?

Every month you will get access to a deep dive, live Master Class. This will follow the monthly theme and address a very specific speaker related topic. Over the course of 12 months, we will cover each of the following topics –

You get to create your speaker coaching programme.

I work with aspiring speakers in a Coaching role for either 6 or 12 months. Initially we work out what you really want to achieve with your speaking and your speaker business and then develop your programme, with a monthly learning module, with practical exercises and actionable items. The topics you can choose from include:

Positioning yourself as a speaker.

Establishing and building your speaker brand

Your speaker product architecture.

Marketing yourself as a speaker.

The business of being a professional speaker.

The importance of research.

Understanding energetic mapping.

A world class presentation structure.

The art of stage craft.

Creating powerful, smart slide decks.

Exceeding expectations on every stage.

The need for versatility as a speaker.

The live Master Class is 90 minutes and all attendees can ask questions and interact and engage. This provides the perfect platform to ask questions about issues or opportunities that you might have and to get advice from a highly experienced, working professional speaker.

This is what you get for your $99 monthly commitment.

You get access to the monthly live event, all of the resources and tools (and all of the past content as well). This is really extraordinary value as the information and advice offered is 100% current, very practical and relevant. The monthly live event is delivered on ZOOM and the recordings and other materials are all hosted on KAJABI – a fantastic platform with a mobile app which will let you watch the material and listen to the materials on your mobile device.

Join the Speaker Inc Programme Today

If this sounds like the ideal speaker training and development programme for you, all you need to do is click on the button below and join. You’ll get immediate access to the resources, tools and live events.


A Few Words From our Speakers

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Would you like to be more sought after as a speaker? Would you like to become more valuable and more valued as a speaker to potential clients?

Every single retreat and coaching session with Andrew Griffiths has been incredibly valuable to me. He really listens and gives advice from a place of experience and knowledge, not just from hearsay. I can’t recommend working with Andrew highly enough.

Katherine Maslen


So one of my key takeaways is that being a speaker really is a business It can’t be a sometimes activity. It can’t be this thing that you add into your repertoire of things that you offer. If you wanna build a speaking business, it needs to be the speaking business that you are building.

Jenn Donovan


Hi, my name is Brett Lillie and I’m a speaker, coach and author. I got so much out of Andrew’s Speaker 2.0 retreat that I came back the following year for Speaker 3.0. One of the biggest things I’ve taken away from working with Andrew is learning how to work with frameworks and develop an idea from beginning to end.

Brett Lillie


Hi I’m Steph Thompson. I have worked with Andrew Griffiths, both in the retreat setting and one-on-one. I have learnt there’s a methodical structure which takes you from being a good public speaker to being a world class speaker, which is exactly what happened for me.

Stephanie Thompson
